Puerto Rico:
Open to Change.
Puerto Rico:
Open to Change.
Recent events have encouraged diverse sectors in Puerto Rico to reconsider what used to be the standard options for development.
In the aftermath of natural and human-made disasters, government, the social sector and the business community are gaining awareness about the need for new ways and different approaches to development.

There is a surge in opportunities and conversations
around local entrepreneurship. Interestingly, this
conversation is including the non-for-profit sector,
as NGO and foundations understand the need to
address root-cause conditions that lead to
unemployment, poverty, crime.

A generous tax incentive system has been
put into place to attract foreign investment.

98% of the island has been classified as an
Opportunity Zone (including 837 low-income
communities, plus 26 non-low-income contiguous
tracts) – which means that there are opportunities
and funds to address issues like affordable
housing, infrastructure and energy development.

For decades, Puerto Rico has been known for its
capable workforce, particularly in the
manufacturing industry. All sectors (government,
social institutions and business) are looking into
ways to take the younger generations to the next
level by exploring new areas, like energy,
technology, life sciences and more.
Recent events have encouraged diverse sectors in Puerto Rico to reconsider what used to be the standard options for development.
In the aftermath of natural and human-made disasters, government, the social sector and the business community are gaining awareness about the need for new ways and different approaches to development.

There is a surge in opportunities and conversations around local entrepreneurship. Interestingly, this conversation is including the non-for-profit sector, as NGO and foundations understand the need to address root-cause conditions that lead to unemployment, poverty, crime.

A generous tax incentive system has been put into place to attract foreign investment.

98% of the island has been classified as an Opportunity Zone (including 837 low-income communities, plus 26 non-low-income contiguous tracts) – which means that there are opportunities and funds to address issues like affordable housing, infrastructure and energy development.