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Visionary Entrepreneurs Driving Puerto Rico’s Socio-Economic Growth

At NEXA, PSI’s recent impact investment summit, Puerto Rico’s most visionary entrepreneurs, including Rafael Somoza, Antonio Ortiz, Bertil Chappuis, Roberto Jimenez, Jason Borschow, shared insights on how their companies are catalyzing socio-economic growth on the island. These discussions centered on generating employment opportunities and how companies can establish themselves as attractive employers capable of retaining top talent. 

Rafael Somoza, CEO of QMC Telecom International, opened the discussion by emphasizing the role of entrepreneurship as a catalyst for economic development. “You have to define what your value proposition is. Growth is at the core of what we do,” stated Somoza. His perspective underscored the importance of having a clear and compelling value proposition to drive business growth and socio-economic progress. 

A recurring theme was the pivotal role of the private sector in modernizing organizations to ensure the hiring of the right talent. “We need to be bold in our business leadership and assertive in articulating our needs. This opens doors to new opportunities and investments,” emphasized Jason Borschow, President & CEO of Abarca Health.  

Moderator: Franco Mondo, VP Global Business Development BMA Associates. Panelist: (right to left) Bertil Chappuis, Co-Founder & CEO Xtillion; Roberto Jimenez Director V2A; Jason Borshow, Founder & CEO, Abarca Health

The importance of transparency and authenticity in presenting company culture was highlighted as a key factor in attracting and retaining the right talent. “Being genuine in showcasing our culture not only attracts the right fit but also fosters a workplace where individuals can thrive,” added Roberto Jimenez, General Director at V2A Consulting.  

Their experience pointed out the need for a shift in mindset towards the mobility of talent. Embracing the concept that talent should circulate, allowing employees to learn, grow, and even move on, cultivates a culture of constant rejuvenation and innovation within organizations. 

Antonio Ortiz, CEO of Connect Assistance, contributed by highlighting the value of addressing everyday problems through innovation. “Taking ordinary problems, everyday headaches, and using technology, innovation, and culture to build around those ordinary problems, extraordinary solutions,” Ortiz explained. His insights emphasized the transformative power of innovative thinking in solving routine challenges and driving economic development. 

The panelists also stressed the necessity of boldness in business leadership. “Boldness is essential for business success. We need to be assertive in our approach and open to new opportunities,” said Bertil Chappuis. In a world where talent transcends geographical boundaries, it is imperative for organizations to refine their value proposition and ensure its transparency to attract the right talent. 

These discussions underscored the importance of a collaborative approach between the private sector, government, and educational institutions to create a robust labor market. “Collaboration is key. We need to work together to create an environment where talent can flourish,” remarked Jimenez. The panelists called for proactive economic development policies that support business growth and innovation through investments in infrastructure and specialized human capital. 

Overall, the insights shared by these visionary entrepreneurs underscore the need for a dynamic and collaborative approach to drive socio-economic growth in Puerto Rico. Their emphasis on transparency, boldness, and collaboration sets a blueprint for other businesses on the island to follow, fostering a vibrant and competitive economic environment 

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